Property and Architecture Recruitment

Property and Architecture recruiter

since 2006

Our property and architecture teams have extensive experience in the field. We have been servicing small, medium and large organisations located in Australia and New Zealand since 2006.

Our services include talent acquisitions and management, market insights, career advice and job placement.

Why Stellar?

We offer specialised recruitment services spanning across 9 sectors with a culture focused on exceptional customer service.

It’s driven from our team of professionals who contribute to your growth, which ensures that you return time and time again.

Proof of this high level of customer service that delivers results are the facts that our very first customer is still with us today since 2006 and that 95% of our business is repeat business.


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Segments we recruit for include:

Sales and leasing

Body corporate and facilities

Retail and property development



Our Property and Architecture Recruiters

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