In this episode of Exploring Hydrogen, we are joined by Phil Richardson, General Manager of New Energy Projects at Stanwell Corporation to discuss what it takes to build a Queensland renewable Hydrogen Powerhouse. We learn more about Stanwell Corporation’s Hydrogen sector and other renewable energy sources, current and upcoming projects, the renewable energy supply chain and some of their joint venture partnerships.
Phil’s Highlights:
2:26 - Phil's contribution to the Queensland Government and the transition into the commercial renewable energy space with Stanwell Corporation
3:33 - Stanwell Corporation – a leading energy provider for Queensland
4:30 - The split between solar and wind projects at Stanwell Corporation
5:21 – How is Hydrogen fitting into the energy mix at Stanwell Corporation?
7:34 - Stanwell Corporation’s geographic focus and projects within
8:32 - Joint venture partners in Japan & Australia
10:10 - The renewable energy supply chain – advancements and challenges
12:23 - Opportunities for job seekers in the renewable energy sectors
13:53 - Stanwell Corporation’s phase 1 wind and solar project in Queensland
15:57 - Green vs Blue Hydrogen (and the rest of the Hydrogen Rainbow)
17:49 - What has not aligned with Stanwell Corporation’s risk profile and direction of business?
19:24 - Getting the wheels turning on the exciting renewable energy projects and what it takes to make them happen
21:23 – Lessons learnt from the recent LNG cycle and how Stanwell Corporation are navigating the social licence and the partnerships within the community moving forward
24:15 – Ammonia, compressed Hydrogen gas and liquified Hydrogen mechanism mediums for exportation purposes and their benefits vs challenges
26:36 - Australia’s Hydrogen decarbonisation ambitions – funding, policy changes and taxation changes
28:30 - Producing green hydrogen and its current costings vs long term targets
29:45 – Where Phil sees Hydrogen and decarbonisation in the future and hopes for Australia’s renewable energy sectors
31:43 - What does success look like for Phil (and Stanwell Corporation) in 5-years time?
33:26 - The unprecedented hype in the Hydrogen sector right now
35:08 – Aviation and battery electric vehicles vs fuel cell electric vehicles
36:23 - Phil’s final message to the audience
Phil Richardson Bio:
Phil has 15 years experience in developing strategy and executing commercial projects and economic policy reforms, with a focus on the energy sector. As General Manager New Energy Projects at Stanwell, Phil’s role is to deliver a range of renewable energy, energy storage and hydrogen projects as part of Stanwell’s portfolio strategy.
Prior to joining Stanwell, Phil held roles in the Queensland Government, including General Manager renewable energy and energy pricing in the department of energy and Director Economic Policy in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. In 2008, Phil spent a year working in the Pacific Islands with the United Nations Development Programme.
Phil holds a Master of International Economics and Finance, Master of Governance and Public Policy and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland.
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