Your host, Shaun, sits down with inspirational individuals who share key learnings from their own experiences on becoming great; whether it is in their own career, in their own field or inspiring growth across a business.
Together, each month, we will unpack key actions on how we can all learn from others’ experiences; unlocking our own scope to grow so that we can all become the best version of ourselves.
Shaun McCambridge is the Managing Director of Stellar Recruitment, a devoted husband and father to four spritely children.
Brad Kennedy, pro golfer and Gold Coast local, recent winner of the New Zealand open is now ranked #7 in Australia and #101 in the world, discusses the process of success and the mental side of golf.
In his last 7 tournaments he has been top 10 with this year coming 3rd Qld PGA (after equalling course record of 61 and leading almost the whole 4 days), 3rd Qld Open and winning the New Zealand open for second time (last time was 2011) and 5th PGA tour of Australasia.
Brad’s Highlights
2:58 Starting out
4:03 Mental game
5:57 Mental game and the impact of Dr Dave Alred, Mental Coach
6:32 Every shot that you practice has to count
8:42 Be accountable
13:28 Focus on the process
13:38 How the process of discipline can create resilience
14:43 Keeping the process while you are in the zone
17:13 The feeling of pride
18:38 The voice of doubt
23:39 Habits and rituals
27:51 Visualising
33:02 Mastery - Intersection between skill and mindset
35:33 Kennedy’s conundrum
38:55 Importance of having a supportive family and friends base
42:45 Giving back
47:42 Key lessons that Golf has taught Brad
Starting Out
Brad started playing golf at 13 years-old
Mental game and the impact of mental coach, Dr Dave Alred
Dr Dave Alred has coached Brad for 7 years which has helped Brad go through amazing development.
Dave doesn’t have a technical golf background but delves into the player’s mental game.
Every shot that you practice has to count
Dave continually tests you to ensure that every shot you make counts; whether in a tournament or in practice.
He refers to it as the ‘ugly zone’; it is whenever you practice the uncomfortable part of your game until it becomes natural which enables you to go to another level.
Be accountable
Ensure that the intensity and performance is there in practice; if it is, then there is nothing else that you need to do differently.
Focus on the process
It is the best mental performance I’ve had in my career at 45 years old.
How the process of discipline can create resilience
This one key learning that Brad uses in golf and in life.
Ultimately success is never guaranteed but if you stick to the process, then the rest comes.
Keeping the process while you are in the zone
Believing in your ability to hit the shots that are required while being without any fear of consequences.
The discipline of staying in the process is key and being aware of what you can control.
One of Brad’s dangers is to allow himself to look at the leader board and then that impacting the process.
The feeling of pride
It was a mentally tough period during the Queensland Open; however, to go from that low to an absolute pride and self-satisfaction winning the New Zealand open.
The voice of doubt
Everyone has doubt but it comes from fear and it can really negatively impact you.
Being able to stay in control and stick to the process is key to overcoming this.
By understanding the mistakes and concentrating on hitting the shots enables you to control the situation.
The key is to not get ahead of yourself as it distracts you.
Habits and rituals
Brad journals a lot; he rights down his entire schedule of training.
Writing down the performance sets a benchmark and overtime you can build on that.
It becomes a fact; It is a great way to build up your confidence and resilience.
The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM by Hal Elwood
Really reinforced having a great work ethic, and the benefits of meditation, reading, and exercising.
Brad believes that he is really getting better in the mental space; his game isn’t going to change at 45 but it is the mental game that has further developed.
Visualising how you want to play – how you want to walk, stand, and generally hold yourself has also helped his mental game.
Once you try it and it works, it opens you up to what else it can walk for.
Mastery - Intersection between skill and mindset
Winning a tournament is a form of mastery; where you beat everyone at that particular time.
Kennedy’s conundrum
Over 8 years out of the last 25, he has been away from home and he wants to watch his daughters achieve and succeed.
However, with his current momentum as well as exemptions in upcoming tournaments and the Olympics, it is time to evaluate.
Importance of having a supportive family and friends base
With his wife’s support, he has been able to go after his dreams. He also has the support of friends and coaches.
The base doesn’t change, and they celebrate the successes with you but don’t treat you differently.
Giving Back
Project One Putt:
It starts at the putting green and works backwards; putting is one of the least enjoyed aspects of the game. He loves to be able to help people with this; to understand the intricoes of putting.
Junior clinics
He loves being out there. Post the recent New Zealand win, he ran a junior clinic with 20 high achieving children.
Brad really loves that he was able to create something that helps people get better at their game.
Key lessons that Golf has taught
If you have a passion and driven for something, just try and find out how you can do it to the best of your ability.
Not to think too far ahead and go continue to go back to structure and the process.
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